Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Week 5 Movie Marker

In this week workshop, we looked at many different websites to create animation movies. Greg mentioned the benefits of using this technology for the students and teachers in the 21st century education. The reasons being it can be engaging and can be integrated across the curriculum. Due to limited time provided in the workshop, all the animation websites were quickly scanned through. I was very frustated not having enough time to complete my movies as I started to enjoy exploring these activities. It would be interesting to see how I can adapt these activities in my classroom. I think my students would enjoy this as much as I do.The first website explored was http://zimmertwins.com/ . In this website user can create movies storyboard from scratch. The movies can be as simple or as complex as they wish.

Next website was http://www.reasonablyclever.com/ This website allowed users to create a leggo character. You can change their features like hair, arms, clothes, face etc. The background can also be changed into different theme. I would like to use this activity in my classroom as a praise to students.
http://www.storygames.com/teachmanPF/Rebus.html The Rebus activity is helpful in lower grades to build students basic English skills especially for ESL students. It explored the concepts of does it sound right? Does it look right? We looked the word "two", and discussed whether students can disguish the difference between "two", "to" and "too". This is a great excersie for visual learners and it can helps students to begin understanding the meaning of words. As a teacher, I think it is an excellent idea and should be included in my teaching.
Greg also pointed out, this activity can be useful if you are teaching LOTE because it implies the same concepts.
Another way to get students engaged in this activity is have them create a Rebus of their own. Students can type out their story on the word document. Then they can insert picture images where they like to replace the words. Images can be found practically from any website. However when using moving images, the file should be saved as a webpage.

Another interesting website was http://www.sketchswap.com/ .
This website allowed us to sketch our picture then submit it. Once the picture has been submitted it will send back a suprise image of anything. A great opportunity for student to generate picutres and send through school and exchange with other students.
This website is not recommended for children due to some sexual characters. However it is worth exploring.
Others website included:

Scary Night - Directed by Nghiem